Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's hard to be neat when your learning to eat

We have started to give Ethan rice cereal every once in awhile. NOT THAT HE NEEDS THE CALORIES..... but I do want to start getting him use to swallowing and using his tongue with a spoon. He didn't do horrible. And it was kind of hit and miss with his bites. Some he did okay on, Some he completely spit out, and others he choked on. So here are a few pictures of the cuteness. Funny thing about this is, I remember that we have a picture of Eli in the same shirt when we were first starting to feed him rice cereal as well. NO... I did not do this on purpose. When I get some spare time I will hook up my external drive and find some of the pictures. The resemblance between these two boys is ridiculous.

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