Friday, May 25, 2012

The continuation of Ethan's Birthday.....

Of course we had to keep the party going. That is just the way our family rolls. We are always looking for an excuse to have a party or play. On Monday, Ethan's actual birthday, we decided to go hang out up the canyon with just our cute little family. The boys definitely follow suit from their parents in their love of being outdoors. I'm pretty sure life is just better when you are out in the woods. It was simple, we just roasted hot dogs and had some s'mores. The boys climbed on rocks. I took lots of pictures. You know.... the usual. 

Eli roasting his hot dog. Look at that super cute smile. 

What is with that face? I sure do love this kid. He is always so happy and such a silly little boy.

Ahhhhhh Brotherly Love! They really do love each other. They don't always show it, but deep down, I know its there.

I love this picture of them just talking to each other. Ethans face is a little silly but I still think it is super cute.

My big four year old climbing to the top of rocks that give his mom a slight heart attack, but having such a good time.

The two cutest boys in the whole world. (Im not bias at all) They both have the sweetest personalities and are such an amazing additions to the family. Eli with his calm, sweet tempered mannerism, and Ethan with his rough exterior, but tender heart. How is it that one mom was lucky enough to blessed with such amazing kiddos.

Mighty Muscles!!!

See I told you.... Brotherly love.

He his just getting to be sooooo grown up. Make it stop. I just want him to stay this age forever.

Ethan and Daddy roasting their dinner. Ethan was pretty determined that he was roasting that hot dog all by himself. But he did eventually decide it was okay for his dad to help him. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wow.... were does the time go?

My little boy turned two today. I cannot believer how the last two years has gone by so quickly. This little boy has more spunk, more personality, and more love then most two year olds I know. I cannot even imagine not having him as a part of our family. We love him soooooo much. This year we had a sports themed birthday party because this little cutie loves to play outside and loves sports. 

This first picture is Ethan helping me to get his balloons at the store. He was so excited to get the balloons and he had a death grip on them, and very shortly after he fell fast asleep. I just thought it was a really cute picture.

This is Ethan in all his cuteness. With his goody bag, his visor, his whistle and his punch ball.

Say cheese. Did I mention how cute this little boy is.

Couldn't decide which picture was the cutest.... so you got them all.

This was all the cute little kiddos that came to his party. Eli and Ethan May, Corbin Fegley, Zander Hatch, Jason and Allie Potter, John and Marcus Parsons, Tommy and James Nielsen. All his cute little cousins and friends. He sure is loved.

Ethan got a new Gazillion Bubble blower machine for his birthday so towards the end of the party we went out and had some fun letting the kids test it out. He loved it and was trying to hard to pop ALLLLLLL the bubbles. 

His own little individual bubble blower that makes more a foam then actual bubbles.

Ethan and his cute sports cake. He did have a little input on this. He wanted a party with balls and I let him choose which balls he actually wanted on his cake. This is what we came up with. I thought it turned out quite cute.

Again with the silly faces. I just love them.

And yes..... this is Ethan in all his glory. This was him showing off all the cute presents that he got. Did I mention that this kid was well loved. He was being so silly with his pictures but he was having so much fun and I just love watching him. He always makes me laugh.

And this was the aftermath of all of the disaster. I shows a few of the decorations that we had up. Not really a ton because most of the games were done outside. But this shows a little bit.

The party was a huge success I think, I mean remembering that I was working with two year old up to five year old, I think it went well. We started out at the table inside decorating our visors and then we headed outside for the real fun. I had different sports stations set up for them to play and at each station they received a prize. So the first was T ball and here they received a  box of cracker jacks, then was kicking a soccer ball into a goal and this one they received a whistle, then they shot a basket through a hoop and received a punch ball at this one, The last one they did a ball bean bag toss that was kind of all of the sports and this one they received a little foam ball. We then went inside and opened presents and then ate some yummy food. It was nachos and chili dogs, going with the whole sports and games things. Then we had cake and ice cream. It was really fun and I think that Ethan had a really good time. I sure do love him.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Yep... Im a soccer Mom

Eli finally got to play soccer this year. He has wanted to forever but is just now old enough to play. He loves loves loves it. And honestly he isn't so bad either. He is more of the passive quiet man that waits on the outskirts for the ball to come to him, but once he does get a hold of the ball he does a really good job of getting it to the goal. He is such a cutie. Matt is the assistant coach so he has been able to be very involved and a big part of Eli's soccer experience.