Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mountain Man Rendevouz

So my husband has this very dear friend that was more of a dad to him when he was younger. Matt has a great deal of respect for him and also looks up to him a great deal. Matt has learned many things through the years from Rex and for this I am very grateful to this man. One of the many traditions that Rex and Matt use to do together was to attend a Mountain Man Rendezvous  in Logan Ut. Well Matt had not been for almost 10 years, basically since we had been married, but before that it use to be a summer event. So Matt asked Rex if he could bring his family and come on up and join the fun. Rex was more then happy to oblige. I do believe this will become a new family tradition of our own little family. The boys had so much fun and Rex and his brother where the best hosts ever. I can see why Matt enjoyed getting to know this man so much when he was younger.

The boys waiting for them to launch of the Candy Cannon. What kid wouldn't love that? 

The mountain men preparing the candy cannon

Ethan was so proud of his candy

They had many crafts and things for the kids to do. This was probably Eli's favorite part, next to sleeping in the awesome TeePee.

Ethan working intensely on his coloring page

Heather and her family came up the second day. Ethan had already fallen asleep for a nap, but once Gavin also went down for a nap, we laid him down to nap next to Ethan.

This was what our whole camp looked like. Rex has been doing this for many many years and he was very well equipped to make it a very fun experience.

This is Rex's Tee Pee that he so graciously offered to my little family. Mostly for the experience of sleeping in a real canvas Tee Pee. The boys that it was very awesome. Matt has pictures of when he was about the same age sleeping in this very same Tee Pee. I sure wish I knew where those pictures where. It would be fun to compare.

Ethan was so funny on this trip. I don't know if it was because we were outside and camping. Or if we were with new friends. I'm not sure what it was but he was just being funny.

This is Rex. Well Rex and his Banjo. It was so much fun to listen to him play and sing. And he did both a great deal at night.

Again with the Ethan being silly thing. Honestly, I don't know what was going on with him. He was just being cute and silly.

The boys were in seventh heaven when mom just let them get dirty and play in the dirt. And did they ever play, for like an hour probably. And they were super content. And super happy.

Ethan showing off how dirty he was.

My cute little dirty handsome sweet little boys.

Rex, Matt, David, Ethan and Eli

Rex and Matt

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