Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bridal Veil Falls

One of our most favorite Sunday afternoon activities to do as a family is to go up Provo canyon. We go to Vivian Park and do a little fishing and then afterwards we go to Bridal Veil falls and do a little splashing. We always have so much fun and the boys are just so silly when we are just playing up the canyon.

I don't know what it is but in this particular picture he looks so grown up. I love it. His perfect smile and his cute little hat.

This is such a cute picture of this little boy. He is so smiley and he loves climbing on rocks and he loves even more playing in water.

Not sure what is going on with cute face, but he always makes me smile.

Look mom, I can go SOOOO low without getting my bum wet. Or at least that is what I want you to think mom.

Okay, forget it. Im going to get my bum, and all the rest of me wet. Nothing better then this.

I sure do love my boys.

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