Monday, January 27, 2014

Halloween 2013

I really do love Halloween. Having Matt's birthday on Halloween has just made it that much for fun. This year there seemed to be so busy. We had something almost every night for a week. It was crazy. But so much fun. And I honestly felt like the boys got good use out of their costumes because they were able to wear them so many times. My handsome little Ethan boy wanted to be a boxer this year and it fit him so well. And Eli, of course was sporting a super hero outfit. Also fitting him so well. He is in love with all things super heros lately. That and Legos. Which I suppose are both great imagination builders, so I can work with that. 
Ethan looks so awnry in this picture. We had just gone to the ward trunk or treat and he was  soooooo tired. I couldn't get him to smile for me, but I thought it suited the boxing uniform nicely.

Eli's school does this cool thing where they are only allowed to dress up as someone from history, or a classical character from a book, or something significant. They cant be super heros, or things that that do not really have significance. So he chose to be Albert Einstein. I think he makes the cutest Einstein ever. It was pretty cool. We had to do a little research and learn a bit about Einstein and write a little report about it. So Eli was able to learn a bit about such a famous man.

In the evening though, Eli really wanted to be the red power ranger. He makes a pretty cute ranger as well. The boys costumes fit them well this year. they were so funny showing off their cute costumes.

I love these two little boys so much. They are the greatest blessing that I have ever been blessed with, right there next to my loving husband. I have the most amazing family and I do not know were I would be without them. 

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