Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Our Japanese daughter Reika

This has definitely become a new, extremely looked forward to, tradition. The boys were so excited just waiting for our Japanese exchange student. This year we got an amazing young women names Reika. She fit into our family sooooooo well. She is in love with Batman, and well, our family happens to really love Batman. She loves being outdoors, she is easy going, extremely good with the boys and just a low maintenance fun women to be around. We were able to spend two weeks with her and it went by way to fast. There is lots that I could say about this time spent with Reika, but I will try to just stick to the highlights and explain what we are doing in the pictures. We loved having Reika here with us and we have for sure made a life long friend. 

This was the first night that she spent with our family. She was just kind of tired from her flight and traveling so we just watched a movie and visited and had some popcorn. We were just getting to know her a little. 

She brought the boys some really fun souvenirs from Japan. Some hard back Power Ranger books, that were written in Japanese so she was taking some time to read them to her. 

The next day was church. She was really excited to go with us and learn a little bit more about the religion she has heard about, but really knew very little about. This was a picture of her and the boys playing blocks before church. Like I said, she was really good about playing with the boys and was always so willing to humor them and their interests.

After church we took her up to the canyon to have a hot dog roast and show her some of the beautiful mountains that Utah is so well known for. She was loving it. She played with the boys and skipped rocks and then ultimately in the end it turned into a big water fight. 

A little trampoline time later in the evening waiting for dinner to finish cooking. She had never been on a trampoline before and this was really fun to her.

They have a family get to know you, fun little barbecue at a park in cedar hills. Ethan was being such a goober and being so funny. I had to catch a few pictures. 

Another night, we were lucky enough to provide dinner for all of the Japanese teachers that come over with the students. There are four of them and it was such a fun night of visiting and getting to know a little more about the culture. One of the instructors was so very fascinated with jumping on the trampoline. He was having so much fun.

This is a picture with us an all of the teachers. It was such a fun night.

Another night we were invited to a bbq at another host families house. This is Reika and a few of her friends from Japan. This was also a really fun night as well.

At the end of their stay, they have a performance and entertain us crazy Americans. Lots of fun music and unique and different talents that you don't get to see everyday.

This is a picture with the Wood family. They are the American family who kind of put this whole host family/Japan family program together. Definitely a fun experience that I would recommend to pretty much anybody. 

Another day we went on a hike down in Payson canyon to Grotto falls. It was really fun until it started raining on us, but always a fun adventure. LOL

The whole adventure of having Reika as my Japanese daughter was just amazing and fun. She was very perfect for our little family. We did many things that are a little harder to document. Lots of card games. Lots of shopping at the malls. Lots of comic book stores. She really loves comics and Batman and apparently in Japan he is not really that big. But in America, he is really big. So we spent lots of time tracking down different Batman souvenirs for her to take back. We went swimming. She told us that in Japan the pool is very far away from her so she does not go swimming hardly ever. In fact, she said it had been 5 years since she had last been swimming. That seems crazy to me when my family goes at least a few times a month. Although I don't have a daughter, although I will soon, Reika was a fun change of pace. Not to dramatic, not a love struck teen, just REAL, and down to earth. Hopefully my future daughter will have similar characteristics. Love you Reika. Thank you for giving us the opportunity of getting to now such an amazing young lady. 

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