Eli and Mommy riding the tube. Doesn't he look so cute!!!
Eli playing in the sand.
Janis, Joni, and Haley on the tube.
Eli thought it was great fun to chew on the rope.
This is one of Matt's favorite pictures because he thinks I look so natural with Eli.
Eli and I waiting on the tube, just before we were about to start going.
No, I'm not really crazy, I just thought it would make a cute picture. And besides, Eli kept trying to climb out the whole time we were riding anyways, I thought I would just accommodate him a little more.
We have been married for almost three years. We couldn't believe that it was Matt's first time ever going out to the reservoir. If you have ever been to Delta, you know that the reservoir is a favorite past time of most everybody. I don't know why I have never take him out there. We just never did. Well the day was great fun for everyone. Eli loved it. We went boating on Steve's boat and we were pulled on the tube. Eli really hated the boat at first. It scared him really bad. But once he realized that it was fast and he could watch his dad on the tube and he could fill the wind, he really quite liked it. Matt got on the tube and we pulled him around for awhile, he hadn't been on a boat or a tube for about 7 years, it was really funny watching Matt get pulled around, he was trying to show off but the water was still in charge. Eli and I went on the tube as well, Eli seemed to like it and didn't make a big fuss about it. We got back on the beach and had Hot Dogs for lunch. All in all it was a pretty fun day.
This is Eli in his Crab tube, just soaking up some rays.
Eli in his cute little life jacket that uncle Steve let us borrow.
Matt on the tube.
Eli and his Daddy. Just enjoying a ride on the boat.
These are just a few clips of our day at the beach.
5 hours ago