The joys of fishing. I have to say, I am not a huge fisherwoman and I really don't know much about it. But I do remember a time or two from my past when I have been with my brothers, or more importantly my Grandpa. Fishing, I always thought was such a mellow sport and you sit and wait for a very long time, and if you are lucky, MAYBE you will catch something. Well, with all this said. My boys love it. And again, still dont really know much about it, and honestly Matt does not either, but we did our best to have some fun with it. There is a spot on the Provo river where you can see the fish swimming around. LOTS and LOTS of them. This makes it twice as fun when you can see them actually swimming right around your hook and then BAM, you snagged yourself a fish. Well this is how our story goes.
You sit on the beach and you wait patiently until you catch a fish.
You try and try your hardest, but you still have no luck.
Then you get dad in on the action and see if he can help you catch a fish.
Smile for the camera, we have to pretend that we are not bored and that we are not tired of WAITING to catch a fish.
Not sure what Ethan was thinking in this picture, but it sure is a cute one.
Finally after much patience and casting out like a thousand times, we catch our selves a fish. A wopper of a fish, had to be about 6 inches.
Then we have to check out our fish because we are really not sure what to think about it, and we definitely don't dare touch it because that would be crazy. So we look at it with complete disbelief that we actually caught it.
Then as dad asks us to touch it, we have to look up at him as if to say "Dad, you gotta be joking me... right? You really want me to touch that thing? You crazy"
But then after much talking, and begging and pleading and convincing that the fish was no longer alive and that it was all done flopping around. Then he decided to touch him. Look at that smile.
But it didn't just end with touching......
No, No, we soon decided that this fish was our new best friend and that anywhere I went, he was going with me.
And just touching the fish was not enough, soon I was encouraged to give him kisses. If only a fish/ princess thing worked that same way as the frog/ prince thing.....
And then if kissing it was not enough, then we decided that he needed to be worn as a hat, because like I said, this was my new best friend and he was now going EVERYWHERE that I went.

I wish that I could say the story ended with this, but no... it continues. Ethan was very much in love with his new found friend. His dad tied a string to him and a stick to the other end and Ethan continued to run around with him, carry him like a football, lay him down and sing him good night songs, and yes...... carry him on his lap in a ziplock ALL the way home. And if you thought he was going to bed without his new friend.... well.. that was a whole other ballgame. Needless to say, he was in love and it made for and interesting night and figuring out how to get fish to go to bed in the freezer (and very shortly there after, the garbage can) and have Ethan be okay with it. Eli never did decide he was okay with having a fish for a friend, in fact, it soon became a game of chase brother around the park with my fish friend, just to get him to scream, because Eli was still a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing.
It was a great day fishing with the boys, and a fishing trip I will not soon forget. We made a great friend that day and he is now swimming with all of his cute fish friends in the sky.