Just a little over a month ago, my favorite sister in law got herself married. It was a party all the way around. A very fun wedding, and very beautiful. The whole day was just perfect. I personally was a tad bit worried about the weather, since it rained most of the morning, but by mid afternoon, it had cleared up and was the most perfect weather for the ceremony. And the reception, that was just a party all the way around. It was sooooo much fun and there was lots of dancing and good food, friends, and family.
The first few pictures were a few days early at the wedding rehearsal. Eli was a ring barrier and Ethan was suppose to just walk next to him. All in all, it turned out okay, considering Ethan is not even 18 months old yet. But we will get to that in a bit. So at the rehearsal, the boys had a blast just playing on the rocks and running around why they were working on other things.

Heather, Justin, Matt, and Kasey. Matt and all of his brothers and sisters. Such an awesome family that I married into. I love them all so much.

Bree, Heather, and Taylor. Heather and two of her four bridesmaids.

Ethan checking out the golf course.

I just have to say it now, my boys look sooooo handsome when they are all dressed up in their church clothes. And especially cute this night because they were matching, and they both had their hair done. They just looked so very handsome and very grownup. Definitely future missionaries.

I am pretty sure that Ethan could have spent all night sitting in these rocks and throwing them to another section of the rock pile. He was in heaven.

Justin and his Favorite little man, Ethan.

Eli looking very grown-up, responsible, and extremely handsome. He did such and amazing job and I was so proud of him. He walked down the isle just the way he was suppose to and he stood right by his uncle Justin and behaved himself the entire ceremony. He was so perfect. His brother on the other hand. Well..... He started out really well, Eli was holding his hand and the pillow with the other, and Ethan was walking really well down the isle, but then he got sidetracked and Eli slowed down and bit to try to get Ethan back on track and this in turned slowed the flower girls down, so I just ended up picking him up and Eli went on his way by himself. It was okay, I think Heather understood that she was asking for a miracle for it to work perfectly, and sometimes miracles do happen, but today was not one of those days. But still, Eli picked up the speed a little, caught back up and did the rest of his part perfectly.

The beautiful bride.

The beautiful bride and "cheeks" as is often referred to.

Grandma Gaye and Eli.

Eli and Ethan, and the two flower girls. For how young they all were, they all did such a great job.

Eli Matthew May.

Eli being way more himself. Notice the cheezy, spontaneous, fun, carefree look. Yep, that is my Little Man.

Little Mr. Personality right here. Ethan is so charismac, and such a charmer. Notice that he is missing a shoe... yep, not sure how long he had been missing it, or were it even was. We did eventually find it, but I am not even sure when he lost it.

I love this picture and I am not even sure why I love it. It just is sooo Ethan. He is such a funny little boy.

My two most handsome little boys that I am so extremely grateful for and love so much that I cant even explain it. They are the most precious thing in the world and I thank God every day that he trusted me enough to raise such special spirits.

Heather and her crazy brothers. Matt, Heather, Justin, and Kasey.

This picture is soooo classic and honestly probably one of my favorite pictures from the whole wedding. These four are so funny and this is such a perfect picture of all of them.

All the handsome men. Eli, Matt, Corbin, Randall, Ethan, Justin, Kasey.

All the men with Heather.

Heather and all of her siblings, spouses, and kids.

My cute little family. I love them so much.

Heather and her two favorite nephews.

So the next few series of pictures are from the reception. I just have to tell you a little about this reception. It was an all out dance party and it was so much fun and so Heather and Randall. Heather has been dancing for as long as I have known her and she has a love for music so this reception was very fitting for her personality, I thought at least. Matt was the DJ and he just kept the hits coming, one after another. And to continue the fun of this night. If you have ever met my boys, you will know that they have that same love of music that their dad and Aunt Heather have. If they hear a beat, or any kind of music for that matter, they will start dancing, almost anywhere. Well that was how the night was set up and it continued for the whole reception and then some.
Congratulations Randall and Heather. I wish you two the best of luck and we Love you two so much. Welcome to the family Randall and Corbin.