Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eli Said It.....

"Hey, there's my biggest man" says Eli to Ethan as he is just waking up from his nap.

I thought it was pretty cute.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Little Big Man turns 1

WOW! Where the heck did the last year of our lives go? I thought that when we had Eli time started going faster, but I have to tell you, I really feel like I came home from the hospital with Ethan just a few weeks ago. I cannot believe that he is already one years old. And let me tell you all, he is a fire cracker. He has so much spunk and personality. I have said it before, and I am sure that I will say it again, but I just find it so fascinating that two little boys born to the same parents, not really that far apart, can have two very different personalities. Eli was also so quiet and calm and definitly curious about things, but more in a sit and think about it way. Ethan on the other hand is out going, louder, way more busy and will get into anything that is possible to get into. I love him so much. He is such a charmer and seriously..... his smile, I just can't get over how big and cute it is. You can't help but love it. Ethan is my little cheese ball. Always smiling for the camera, always keeping his dad and I on our toes, and always smiling.

He is sooooo close to walking. I suppose technically he is walking because he goes from couch to couch and well, pretty much all over the house from one thing to the next. He can walk the length of the living room and then some, if he wants to. He just has to be inspired. I don't think that it is his preferred mode of transportation, but it is only a matter of time. He wants it so bad, i just don't think he has his confidence level up about it. He is still afraid of crashing. He loves to play patty cake and pick a boo. He claps and everything, and he throws his hands up when you say Yeah. He waves and says Hi alllllll the time. He says mama. He is very soft hearted. If he thinks he hurt you or if you are kind of sad, he has a very cute little pouty lip that will often lead to him being in tears himself. He bury his little head in your shoulder until you are get happy, then he will get happy to. He loves climbing the stairs. He loves to be outside doing anything. He loves his brother and is his little shadow anytime that Eli will let him be (which is actually most of the time, He is really cute with his brother and the older that Ethan gets were he is actually starting to "play" with Eli, the cuter they are together) Eli has learned that he has to show Ethan how to do something before he can play it with him, so quite often I find Eli trying to teach Ethan how to do something. I love the conversations of "Ethan, no not like that. You have to do it like this or it won't work. Ethan, here let me help you. I am awesome. I know how to do it." Seriously, this conversation, or something very similar has happened on more then one occasion. Proud mommy moment watching her three year old try to teach his one year old brother how to do something.

Ethan's party was awesome. It was just a few close friends and some family that came over for hot dogs and cake and ice cream. As you will see in the pictures, Ethan was totally spoiled and he totally loved the cake. He was not shy at all. He just had him self a good old piece of cup cake.
Thank you to all the family and friends that came and supported Ethan on his birthday. We love you all so much. Ethan has amazing people around him to look up to and he loves all of you. I know he does.

So the pictures, once again, out of order. But the first few are just of Ethan loving life with that cake of his.

The end results, one very happy, covered in green frosting little boy. Can you say BATH TIME?

He looks all cute and innocent, but that cupcake doesn't stand a chance.

I think we were singing to him in this picture and he wasn't sure what to think about all the people singing to him.

My big 1 year old. Where did the time go?

We did a dinosaur theme for his birthday. This is suppose to look like a dinosaur made out of cupcakes. I suppose it kind of does. The boys thought it was pretty cool. I guess that is really all that matters.

Being ever so careful until he realized that he didn't have to be.

Ethan playing blocks with Jason Potter. One of our really good friends little boys.

Ethan loving his presents.

Look at this super cute car that Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Heather, and Uncle Randall gave him. He loves it.

Lara eating her cake and ice cream. This picture really wasn't so much of her, more to show the table decorations.

I could not get him to keep his hat on for nothing. Is was like a second, not even long enough to get a good picture.
Didn't Lara and Eli do an awesome job with those streamers. They sure had fun.

Birthday Banner.

Just a group shot of decorations and the setup of the room.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My little Gangsta

So my little Eli has a personality all his own. Honestly, both of my boys do, I'm not sure what I am going to do with them. I know I am in trouble when they get older, but here we go. Here is the story for these amazingly awesome pictures. So Matt asked Eli to run and get his shoes and socks on the other day so we could go do some yard work. This is what he came down with. Exceptionally stylin, yes I know, he has a personality all his own. He found is super big Halloween socks that don't even fit him, but he thinks are the best thing ever. He turned his hat sideways, and well.... the outfit and dance moves pretty much speak for themselves.

Everybody throw your head back and laugh.....

He does this all the time and I think it is so funny. Or if you tell him to "Cheese", he will do it then also. He is such a funny little boy with so much personality.


I do believe that my adorable little sister has gone to far more dances then I have. She seems to have them all the time, but she sure does love them. This time it was to the ATEC Prom. Mitch Smith asked her and she was beyond excited. He is such a nice guy and they had a really good time.

We have done Lara's hair so many different ways. She could not decide how she wanted it this time. She wanted it up, but not to curly, but she did not want it all up, but she wanted it kind of straight.... what do you think? So this is what we came up with. It actually looked really cute on her and she seemed to really like.

She is such a cutie.

Lara and Mitch Smith.


Matt was able to get some pretty sweet tickets to the Real game a while ago and here is just a few pictures of the family enjoying themselves. Eli loves going to Real games a lot. He comes home just singing the Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole song, over and over again. He is such a cutie.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Easter Sunday

Okay, okay, so on to finally Easter Sunday. Geesh we had such a busy weekend, but we had sooooo much fun. Thanks to all of our family for making it such a great weekend. So Easter Sunday was actually the most mellow of all the days. We woke up, and the boys went to find their Easter Baskets. We played with some of their new things. Tried there new Easter outfits on and had a little mini photo shoot. Then we had a nice family breakfast. Then we had choir practice. I play the piano for the ward choir, and since we were performing today, this was our final practice to make sure that everything was going to work out. It did by the way, and we actually sounded pretty good. Well, then we went to church. Grandma, Heather, Randall, and Justin all came to our ward to. Most to help with the boys, also just to watch Matt sing and I play. But after church we had a really good ham dinner at our house and then a little Easter Egg hunt outside.

This was in the backward. Eli showing off all of the eggs that he had found.

Ethan was more curious with getting to Eli's basket then having any concern with his own.
The boys with there baskets after the Egg hunt outside.
Ethan looking for some Easter Eggs. That basket was almost as big as him.
I forgot to post the picture of all the eggs that the boys colored at Grandmas house and for scrap booking purposes, I thought I would just throw it in here.

This is Eli climbing the rocks in our backyard, trying to hunt down the Easter Eggs.

Eli showing off one of the Eggs that he found.

Another cute picture of Eli showing off another Egg.

Ethan being such a big boy and reaching up to get and Egg.

Ethan being way more concerned with what is in the Egg then actually going to find more. He was so funny. He would shake the eggs and then once he realized there was something in it, he was so determined to get it out.

Mini photo shoot of the boys in their cute Easter outfits. So normally we would get them new church outfits, but we just recently bought them some new ones for Heathers wedding and didn't really think we needed to get to new church suits so close together, so they just got some cute new little play outfits instead. Pictures of them in there new little suit pant outfits coming soon.

This is Eli showing off his actual basket. He got a couple of Star Wars books to, but there were to big for his basket so the Easter Bunny just set them behind his basket.

This is Ethan sitting by his basket. I never could get him to look at me, he was so preoccupied with the new toys and the thing that Eli was playing with next to him.