My youngest son should secretly be named Ethan "Alfalfa" May. I was sitting clear across the campsite when I took these pictures and between the distance and the smoke from the fire, they did not turn out super clear, but I just had to catch some pictures of that amazing hair do of his. This is not an uncommon sight. Even if I come his hair down in the morning, this is typically what it ends up looking like in the afternoon. He has this one patch of hair in the back that will stand up no matter what I do with it.
Eli was waiting ever so patiently for me to help Lara down the hill from repelling. He just looked so serious in this picture, like he was in deep thought about something. I just thought it was a pretty cute picture.
Thank heavens for Uncle Steve and Grandpa, I don't know what I would have done with out them this weekend. Eli and Uncle Steve bonded, he helped Eli a lot on the big boulders that we had to climb up on the way to waterfall. I just had to get some pictures from behind to show how cute Uncle Steve was being with him.
We made it to the top. This was taken standing underneath the waterfall in Oak City canyon. It was not the hike that I think any of my family anticipated. But well worth the trip. It was so beautiful and because of all the water that we have had this year it was running at full speed. This first picture is of all of the grand-kids standing underneath the fall.
My dad was also a lifesaver on this little mini vacation. I love these next few pictures of Eli and my Dad. He was so helpful with him and it was good for my dad and him to have a little time with just the two of them. I think they talked a little and Eli got to see a side of my dad that I don't think he has ever seen. These next few pictures are priceless to me.